Well, what can I say...I haven't had time to update in a while...I am another year older and we finally closed on the property on the 10th, so we are now officially homeowners again, and for the first time landlords. This is going to be an interesting experience...My son is enjoying school, making friends, and growing up way too fast! He continues to meet and exceed his teacher's standards!
My baby kitty Angel (Not so much a baby anymore but still my fur
baby!), now has a lump on her left side, praying it is benign. She is a
much loved and cherished member of the family and has brought me
through a lot of changes. It will be hard IF the Lord calls her
home...she will be very missed.
Emmy is just Emmy, my bright ray of sunshine...laughter, and cuddles all the way. She is also the source of random moments of, OMGoodness...did she really just say that? Out of the mouths of babes I tell you, LOL!

They may be all done now, but my home and property was bathed in pink petals from these beautiful flowers...now just to figure out what kind of tree it is? Other various bushes and flowers are now taking their place...but was a wonderful show while it lasted!
Jaime and Emmy continue to get closer by the day, and just enjoy life sharing the same room...although there are days where...well if you're a parent you'll understand ;-)

The kids are also learning to stand up for what they believe in and enjoy the local wildlife...right on down to the frogs in the pond... :-)
We also finally were able to put up a play structure for the kids and look forward to adding onto it...there is also a basket ball hoop that has to be assembled/put up...lots to keep the kids busy.

Lots to keep us adults busy as the yard had been very neglected. The Rhodies and Azaleas are starting to bloom...as well as the wildflowers...
Now that you're all updated, I have some housework to do. I hope you have a blessed and wonderful day!
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