Friday, August 26, 2011

Crazy days...

So anyway there are 12 days left until the kids start daughter joined the swim team...and we have a major appt on Sept. 1 where maybe, just maybe we'll get some answers. 

I know that God doesn't give us more than we can handle, but there are days were a person can feel completely overwhelmed!!!! I know in the long run things are in HIS hands and things will turn out the way HE wants them to...but it still leaves me tired, scared, and overwhelmed.

No one asked me if I wanted to be in the car accident that has messed with my back for has cost me the ability to keep up on my home. What used to take me two hours by myself is now taking me a week with help...and its not even willing help! 

No one asked me if when I had a routine eye exam, if I wanted to have a problem that has gotten me two referrals and now I have to see the Neuro-ophthalmic specialist to make sure I don't have a tumor, or cancer...I am praying it is something small or something that can be fixed...

I guess it boils down to the fact that I don't like feeling so helpless in situations like these...I don't like having to think about what will happen to my spouse and kids IF something were to happen to me.  I don't like having to worry about who is going to look after my daughter after I am gone...

Thank God, I have a loving God who I can turn to, and a wonderful husband that can hold me tight and tell me things are going to be alright.  Thank God that I have friends and family that love me, pray for me, and support me through all this...If not, I would be a mess and probably in the loony ward by now.

So I guess what I am saying is Cherish every moment, make sure your affairs are in order, and most of all LOVE unconditionally with everything you have, because you never know when God is going to call you HOME!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Ok, so school is around the corner...

...and I can't wait.  They are driving me batty and I am counting the days!  I love my kids but I am looking forward to getting the break...and having the food bill go back down.  It amazes me how much they eat.

All in all though, its been a great summer.  Time at the lake swimming, surprise flowers from the hubby, my son learning to ride a two wheeler, my daughters coming for a visit (including the adopted one.), hubby - building and finishing the kayak, trips to the chiropractor, and lots of trips to the library.  We also love our family dinners at the looking back there is a silver lining; irreplaceable, and wonderful time with all my loving children...time that is going by too quickly...that is oh so precious.

29 more days....